Lucas’s Words and Signs at 17-Months-Old

Spoken Words
1. Mama
2. Dada
3. Papa
4. RoRo
5. Nana for bananas
6. Sit
7. Syd
8. Va for VoVo
9. DiDi for David
10. Down
11. Up
12. Tape
13. Broom (sounds like moom)
14. LaaLaa for Teletubbies
15. wallet
16. plug
17. pen
18. knee
19. hat
20. hot
21. change
22. ball
23. Bop for Baby Bop on Barney
24. rake (17.5 months)
25. hi
26. car
27. can
28. uh-oh

Meaningful Sounds
1. he barks for dog
2. siren sound for all trucks
3. Moo for cow
4. sniffs for pig

1. milk
2. more
3. all done
4. eat
5. apple
6. grapes
7. cow
8. bunny
9. cat
10. dog
11. car
12. medicine
13. hurt/pain
14. nap/bed
15. work
16. baby
17. music
18. TV/video
19. cookie
20. bath/shower
21. water
22. lion
23. horse
24. bird/chicken
25. change (diaper)
26. potty/toilet
27. gorilla
28. fish
29. moon
30. book
31. cold/ice
32. up
33. down
34. flower
35. head
36. help
37. hot
38. please
39. shoes
40. thank you
41. wait

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