More Good Karma, I Hope
Last month this happened:
Last week, it happened again. Another check arrived for a copyeditor named Sara Wilson. This one for $713.
“Attention Accounts Payable:
I would like to say that if I receive a third check made out to me for editing work that I did not do, I would cash it—because that would be funny and bold and a take-no-prisoners thing to say, but it would be a lie. I don’t think I could do that, no matter how much having an extra $713 in my bank account would help. And it would.
April 28, 2008 at 7:18 pm
Have you asked them to see if any of your checks have gone to Ohio?
April 28, 2008 at 8:17 pm
Actually, I have never worked for this company, or perhaps I should say, imprint. But with the way that publishing companies own publishing companies that own other publishing companies, I am in their database of freelancers. I must have worked for some other company or division: Wadsworth is my guess.
April 29, 2008 at 7:14 pm
They would have no legal recourse if you were to just cash the check. Of course, after you cashed the check IF they asked for it back you could send it to them, but they did send You a check made out to You. It really doesn’t matter why they did it. This fits squarely in the “clerical error in your favor” category. They aren’t the IRS after all.
April 30, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Perhaps so, but I’d be screwing the other Sara Wilson out of her money, at least for what would likely be a good while. Living check to tardy check as a freelancer is stressful and hard enough. Having to go through the hassle of convincing the company that your check didn’t go to you but was cashed by someone else would suck donkey balls.