New Diet

So, today is the day that Ian and I start the Atkins diet again. We’re tired of feeling flabby and extra round post baby. I’m hoping the diet won’t affect my milk supply much. We reason that if we can get through the holiday on Atkins, then that’s loads of extra holiday calories and carbs that won’t attach to our tummies and butts.

I may try a slightly modified approach to induction, because I want to make sure I’m still eating properly to feed Asher. The truth is, now Asher is getting some of his nutritional needs met by other foods, however, it’s kind of impossible to estimate how much. 

This morning we ate scrambled eggs with cheese, coffee + splenda, and I had half and half in mine. For lunch we went to Chipotle and got burrito bowls with chicken, fajita veggies, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, salsa, and guac. So, Ian says the cravings have already begun. So far, no cravings for me, although I don’t feel as full as I do when I eat bread or some other carby thing for lunch.

We need to support each other through this and be encouraging. We’ve done it before. I am sure we can do it again. Hopefully this is the last time either of us will be facing the need to lose 20 to 25 pounds!

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