New Interests: Cosmology
Lucas has become rather fascinated with space, astronaughts, robots, etc. He sometimes plays Lost In Space with his friends, which doubtless has nothing at all to do with the old TV series or the movie that was made a while back, since none of them has ever seen these shows. I think they know there’s a robot in it.
His interest in space is also reflected heavily in his artwork, which now features astronaughts floating in space and air tubes hooked up to life-support systems. The sun, planets, stars, and fireworks light up the skies of his pictures. Big machines called “astronaught maker-floaters” also appear; they have many tubes.
Last Tuesday, in the car, Lucas explained some stuff about the universe I didn’t already know.
“The farthest-out planet in the solar system is Pluto,” he said. “Then, the one after that is Jail.”
“What’s Jail?” I asked.
“That’s where the police take the bad guys.”
“It’s a planet in space?” I asked.
“Yeah. They take the bad guys to Jail in a rocket ship. You know what’s past Jail?” Lucas queried.
“No, what?”
“What’s Heaven?”
“It’s where the fairies live,” he said.