North Balcony
Lucas informed us last that he and Tidoo have opened a restaurant called North Balcony. It’s open on Saturdays and Tuesdays, and it serves “American food”: spaghetti with onions and meatballs was the only dish we could get him to reveal. Hid did say that they let him and Tidoo serve the food.
Lucas is 7 years old these days. Sometimes he’s 17 or 19 or 6. Frankly, I can’t keep up. Over the last few days, he’s had a birthday every day. First he was 4, then 5, then 6, and now 7. He tells everyone. He’s very boastful and can’t be told anything at all because he already knows everything. Just ask him.
On Wednesday we worked on a gift for Ian for Father’s Day. We painted a birdhouse with a rainbow of colors. Then I hid it away where Ian wouldn’t find it. Thursday night at dinner, I asked, “What should we get the grandpas for Father’s Day?” Lucas blurted, “We painted a birdhouse for you, Dad!” So much for secret keeping.
We are going camping this weekend. It should be fun—I’ll let ya know.
June 10, 2006 at 1:10 pm
You know, North Balcony is actually not a bad name for a restaurant.