Partial Payment!

I don’t know if my threatening email played a part in this, but yesterday’s mail brought a check from my deadbeat client. It’s a partial payment: They paid three of the four invoices. The check is dated July 10, so why it arrived nine days later is a mystery. It has me wondering if they cut the check on the 10th and just waited as long as possible to send it, possibly until my threatening email arrived. Who knows? I’m also wondering why they didn’t say, “Calm down, SarabellaE, for we’ve paid three of the four past-due invoices in one check” to mollify me. They still owe me $475, and I think I will follow through with my collections threat. I’m never working for these people again, so what the hell, right? I’m adamantly telling the “Good Girl” part of my brain to shut the fuck up and not feel guilty for throwing a tantrum and inconveniencing them. (Programming runs deep, sometimes.)

Good news is good news. Mama’s bank account will be happy to see that $1,575 first thing tomorrow morning!

One Response to “Partial Payment!”

  • nonosays
    July 20, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    You go buy that “Good Girl” a stiff drink and wave a little of that “Assertive Woman” cash in her face. I worked! You did the right thing.


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