Paying Attention to Lucas

I’m striving to pay more attention to Lucas. It’s hard to do because Asher is so demanding, unpredictable, and unable to wait for his needs to be met later. Lucas is more accomodating, more patient, more independent and that often means he gets the short end of the stick.

Tonight Lucas and I had a lovely time doing all the bedtime rituals together. Instead of battling, we played. He set up a coffee shop in the bathtub and I enjoyed cup after cup of gourmet coffee. He roasted and ground the beans himself, sweetened my coffee just right, and sold me a pound of beans. We made it through brushing teeth, jammies, and stories with no arguments, no tantrums, no injuries, and no shouting. We read stories together. It was great. It segued beautifully into cuddle time–which I’m proud to say I participate in every night (with the exception of the hospital stay and a few days when I was really sick). I sing the same songs every time. That’s the way he wants it.

Ian has next week off work and I’m planning on taking Lucas on a couple of Mommy and Lucas dates. We used to have these all the time. I hope some special one-on-one time will help him and be good for us both.

One Response to “Paying Attention to Lucas”

  • dakini_grl
    April 7, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    I suppose this is a “duh” to you, but when I see Lucas with you and Ian, I see how much he enjoys you as his friends. I also see that he depends on you as his parents, but I think the friend part is really cool.


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