Quote of the Day

Here’s another one: I don’t have this book yet. Edit: Actually, I do have this book sitting on my shelf.

“In all our years as therapists, we have never met a boy who didn’t crave his parents’ love and others’ acceptance and who didn’t feel crippled by their absence or redeemed by their abundance. Strong and healthy boys are made strong by acceptance and affirmation of their humanity. We all have a chance to do that every day, every time we are in the presence of a boy and we have a chance to say to him, ‘I recognize you. You are a boy — full of life, full of dreams, full of feeling.'”

—Michael Thompson, Ph.D. and Dan Kindlon, Ph.D.
Co-authors, Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys

(a very long, quite good article)

Other Books to Investigate
Raising Boys: Why Boys Are Different-And How to Help Them Become Happy and Well-Balanced Men
by Steve Biddulph

Oops—This next author is a fundamentalist Christian. So maybe I’ll skip these:
Bringing Up Boys: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Men
by James C. Dobson

The Wonderful World of Boys by James C. Dobson, John Russell

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