Ring Ball (Written by Grandma Sydney)

My Mother Writes:

“I thought you’d like to know that Punch Ball has branched out—into Ring Ball. The inaugural event occurred last night on my red living room rug and involved the ‘donuts’ that he stacked as a baby. The rings are placed around the edges of the rug and are assigned to particular friends (not present). Much kicking and running around on the rug ensue. There is a great deal of coaching and encouraging, including several ‘Slow down, Lucas!’ comments.

“In the end, as in every great game including Calvin Ball, Lucas wins! Surprise and joy all ’round.

“A later game, predinner, involved blowing and chasing bubbles and forcing Boo to pitch an imaginary ball to a little boy whose bat was a stick, and who could hit the ball—imagine!—before it left the pitcher’s hand. Running around the bases followed, miles of running. Where can I get some of that energy?”

This is great! I love it when my mom or Ian’s mom write stories about Lucas!

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