
I saw my step-sister-in-law (I actually have three) and I explained how my wallet has been missing since last Tuesday or Wednesday, whichever day it was that the gardeners were here and I took cash out of my wallet to tip them. My SSIL asked, “Does little Asher ever help you by throwing things in the garbage?”

Oh. God.

I have thought of little else since that conversation yesterday afternoon.

I think I have looked in all the places that make sense for my wallet to be. I think I have looked in many places that don’t make sense. Now I am mentally preparing to dumpster dive in an effort to find it.

I do not think it’s in the kitchen trash because I think if Asher got a hold of it, he would have taken every receipt, paper, card, and coin out and strewn them around the house.

But I don’t know where else to look.


2 Responses to “Rubbish!”

  • lunagirl35
    December 23, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    I’m sending you positive vibrations in hopes that your wallet mysteriously appears.


  • dakini_grl
    December 23, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    I tend to agree, there would have been a remarkable trail of evidence *leading* you to the trash. I feel like it’s folded up in something. Is it a sweater? A scarf?


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