Saturday Stuff
Busy day today. Lucas has dance class and the Advent Spiral celebration to go to today. After that, we’re taking him to Kimberlee’s house where he’ll stay with her and Gordon while we go to TAC’s Christmas party downtown.
What follows is rather mundane.
So, I sent Lucas off with Dad to go to dance class a couple of hours ago. He seems to enjoy himself more at dance when I’m not there. I think it’s some kind of performance anxiety or something. Last week I sat and proofed while he and the girls danced with Miss Bethany. He was suddenly super clingy and stopped participating about half-way through the class. Something about doing the caterpillar-to-butterfly dance freaks him right out.
I kind of expected the boys to be home by now. I have busied myself while they’ve been gone by doing a bunch of stuff that is just plain easier to do when no one else is around: I showered and shaved my legs (for tonight’s little black dress), I swept the floors, I picked up toys and reorganized Lucas’s room a little (in anticipation of the Great Christmas Tsunami of More Toys), I wrapped some Christmas presents (scissors, tape, and sharpie pens laying around on the floor while I wrap are just too good for a 3-year-old to ignore!), and posted in my livejournal. Now it’s 1:15 and I’m hoping that they’re bringing me back some lunch, or else that they’re out buying me cool presents for Xmas.
A couple of days ago, I culled Lucas’s bookshelf of “baby books”—board books, simplistic things-that-are-in-baby’s-world books, chewable cloth books, etc. I had no idea how many books that might be, but then look who his parents are. There’s now an entire, rather large gift bag full of books that will be placed out in the garage on the mountain of baby stuff that’s already threatening to evict everything else. Since I’m pretty sure we’re going to have another baby someday, we’re keeping loads of this crap: clothes, carriers, high chairs, bouncy seats, toys, blankies, mobiles, and assorted baby equipment.
My superstitious personality says that if I keep all this boy stuff, I’m sure to have a girl next time (you know, when I actually get up my courage to do all this again). I wonder if there’s also some kind of birth-control magic at work too. If I have all the baby stuff I might need, maybe I won’t ever get pregnant. Hmmm.
And no, I’m not.