
I got a call last night from the lovely and talented Wyethia. She is in town consulting for a few days. I’ve missed her and Greg and Phoebe a lot.

She came over last night for dinner. Before she arrived, I told Ian I had a surprise for him but didn’t give him any hints. Then, while he was cooking stir-fry for dinner, I watched out the window for Theresa’s car. As she drove up, I hid in the bathroom so Ian would have to answer the doorbell. He was shocked and delighted to see her, and we visited ’til after 11 pm.

I think it’s been a rotten six months or so since we saw her last. Stupid Tucson!

I’m happy to report that all three of them are all doing very well. Theresa’s business, Coffee News, is taking off and she’s looking at possibly expanding into other nearby territories. Phoebe is approaching her third birthday and loves animals with a passion. Greg is primarily caring for Phoebe and learning jewelry-making and other stuff while Theresa works 6 days per week (she’s consulting part-time for a company in Rancho Cordova and working the rest of the time on her paper, networking, and selling advertisements).

We wish them well now and always.

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