Sleeping Poorly


Asher’s not sleeping all that well lately. At first we thought perhaps he was getting uncomfortably chilled in the night air. He usually spends part of the night in the co-sleeper beside our bed and part with us in bed. The nights have been getting cooler, so we bundled him up the last few nights in the hopes that it would help him sleep better. No dice. He probably woke up bitching six or more times the night before last, which unfortunately makes for cranky parents. I’m pretty tired and have a hard time mustering sympathy after the fifth waking. At that point, I’m just frustrated. Sometime near dawn yesterday I told him to “Shut up.” Fortunately, last night was a little easier, with fewer wakings. 

It’s hard to go so long without a proper night’s sleep. Even four uninterrupted hours in a row would do me a world of good, I’m sure.

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