Small Help

File this one under DAD and DOMESTIC.

I’ve just arranged for my folks to receive two professionally prepared dinners per week for the next 4-5 weeks. My friend Cate has a personal chef business and she will be making them meals they like to their preferences and delivering them to my parents’ home. Cate says that each of these meals will most likely feed them for two days.

I suggested we hire Cate since Dad will be taking it easy and Mom will be working late on Tuesdays and Thursdays. By the time Mom comes home from work, she’s tired and hungry, and usually Dad has dinner ready for her. Now, they won’t have to worry about that. 

It’s a small help, but it’s all I can really do at this point. My parents will be going through a lot of stress during the next month or so. Mom sounds very relieved and grateful not to have to think about food, and she didn’t balk at the price tag. It also worked out perfectly for Cate, who is not interested in taking on another long-term client because she is presently juggling two children, a husband, a business, and nursing school. Doing this for the short-term is good, though.

I’m also charged with hiring a housekeeper to come and clean for them twice next month. I’m hoping Maria and Betty will accept the challenge. 

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