Snow and Rain in Tahoe

Last night we returned from a lovely short trip to South Lake Tahoe with Frostee and her handsome beau, Master Tate. It snowed quite a lot on Saturday and then sometime in the night, the temperature warmed up enough to change the snow to rain. When we arrived, there were lots of big bare patches of ground sporting pretty beige autumn leaves. When we left, six to eight inches of slushy wet snow covered everything.

The 30-hour weekend was just about perfect. We played in the snow, beaned each other with sloppy snowballs, made Splenda cookies, played Apples to Apples and Life, and ate yummy carbs. We chatted late into the wee hours of Sunday morning. I slept in while my lovely man got up with my early rising son. We spent time together: something we haven’t done with these good friends in a long, long, too-long time.

Even the slow drive home over the summit and down the mountain wasn’t a disappointment. Lucas slept, thankfully, ’til we reached Placerville. A stop for pizza there rounded out the trip. Thanks for dinner, darlings!

On Friday evening and Saturday morning, before we embarked, I was feeling a little frazzled and doubting the wisdom of using the last precious weekend before Christmas to go out of town. There’s so much still to do to get ready for the holiday! But you know? It reminded me that the holiday isn’t about getting everything done. It’s about enjoying time with people you love.

So, Frostee and Master Tate, dearest husband, and Lucas: Thank you. And Merry Christmas.

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