Temptation Is Funny

Last night I happily went through my cupboard and threw out tons of candy. We had tons of candy because throughout the year, we’ve received candy as gifts on various holidays. (And when I say we, I mostly mean Lucas has been given candy because what lights up a kid’s face more than a gift of candy?) That we still have it means that we don’t regularly gobble it all up. It also means that we’ve been saving it for some sort of candy emergency, which is silly. Not any more. I kept a little bit for Lucas, and chucked the rest, with no pangs of regret or desire to sample it. Out it went. Finis.

And yet … there is a beautiful heaping bowl of mandarin oranges sitting on my countertop. I pass it 40 times a day. It’s siren song calls to me so loudly and I want to eat a mandarin so bad, but I’m not allowed to. Giving up most fruits is the hardest part of doing Atkins. I hope Lucas eats them up fast.

2 Responses to “Temptation Is Funny”

  • misterjustin
    December 15, 2007 at 12:56 am

    It was actually crackers for me. Candy, bread, ice cream… all of my usual temptations didn’t hold much sway. At one point I probably would have traded my car for a box of Ritz though.


  • toxgunn
    December 18, 2007 at 1:35 am

    After the initial induction period, I suspect blackberries might be your friend – higher fiber = lower glycemic index


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