Update from Down Under

Mom and Dad are having a great time down under. They enjoyed New Zealand very much, although it’s very cold there (being winter and all). My dad bought gloves and a hat! That is crazy weird because he NEVER gets cold in California. Dad also bagged his red stag. I’m kind of sad about this, but whatmigonnado? Apparently, the red stag territory where he went hunting is where the Lord of the Rings placed the lands of Rohan—the city that Theoden ruled and Eowyn lived—can’t remember the name. He also tromped through the area where the wargs attacked the carravan of people fleeing to the fortress—can’t remember that name either. Dad is flabbergasted by the LotR fans who come on pilgrimmage to see the NZ sites where the movies were filmed. Mom and Dad both said NZ is just gorgeous. Now they are in Sydney, Australia for a final week. I’m glad they’re having fun.

Our little gathering on the 4th of July was fun. It was very quiet at first but picked up speed at around dusk. I got to spend time with Kimkim and Foresto, which is something I haven’t done in a looooong time. Thaemos brought a pinata with 5 pounds of candy for 5 small children! Lucas is very proud of himself for knocking the leg off. Thanks for coming everyone. I hope you enjoyed it, even though the pool was a little chilly.

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