Weekend of Delights and Looking Ahead

It was a great weekend, starting with my birthday on Friday. I loved seeing my friends on Saturday evening. Some darlings whom I don’t see but rarely came to my party and it was a thrill. Chuck Norris ice teas (with peach schnapps) are fun; much thanks to Jason for introducing us to this concoction. White peach sangria is also fun.

Saturday and Sunday were mostly kick-it-at-home days, which was terrific because I needed some R&R. We worked in the yard a bunch, planting my birthday beauties. Ian shows he loves me with labor. And since he works with his shirt off, it’s a great show. I dream about my garden every night, you see, so having some new stuff to bloom and fill in the gaps is wonderful. Now I need another huge truckload of shredded redwood. Honey?

I worked just a little, wrapping up chapters 1 and 2 of my med term book developmental edit. Now the first half of it has been sent to production. This means some other schmuck like me has to copyedit it and then it moves on to layout. I have a lot of work to do on the second half over the next two weeks (8 chapters), but it’s doable. These are also the last two weeks of the school year, so with some diligent work and some good luck, it will get done on time.

So, summertime. I used to feel summer was the best season. Not so much anymore. What’s hard about this is that I’m all revved up from working like a madwoman for the last three months and I’m looking at a probable slowdown because I’ll have the kiddos with me more often. I should go and sign Lucas up for a couple more summer camps or I’ll be tripping over him too much. I’m in need of an attitude adjustment, clearly. Maybe I should move cocktail hour up from 5 p.m.?

At least this summer it looks like I won’t be completely broke like last summer. Knock. Knock. Knock. (Fingers crossed.) Ian’s whining about needing AC in his car. It’s broken. Whatever. It’s not like this is Death Valley or anything. And he wants to paint our house! Dude. Can you say "pri-OR-i-ties"?

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