Weird Sadness

I gave away a huge amount of infant clothes last weekend and today. A HUGE amount. Like, probably $2K worth new. I’ve never done this before. When Lucas grew (grows) out of things I always boxed (box) them up and put them in our ever-more-crowded garage for Asher. Asher has already grown out of so many things, and we think he is our last baby, so there’s little point in keeping them. We’re out of space. 

I gave a bunch of things to my friend J, who just found out she is having twins. She got the newborn to 6 months things. I figure her babies (BABIES!) will be able to use the small sizes for a while, as they are likely to be born somewhat smaller than singles. We’re talking a 25 gallon tote plus another full box and a shopping bag full of tiny, adorable things!

I gave a handful of outfits to my friend D, whose son is 4.5 months old. She didn’t need much, but took what she wanted.

I gave the rest to my friends C and M, whose son is 3.5 months old. He got the 6 months and up clothes that don’t fit Asher: A giant box full, a kitchen garbage bag full, and another shopping bag full. FULL!

C asked me if I wanted the clothes back again. I said no. They will get good use out of them and then pass the clothes on to another family when they are done with them. M said they have two sets of friends who are expecting boys.

Somehow, saying “no, we don’t need them back again” makes me really sad. 

Sometimes being a woman with hormones is really weird.

One Response to “Weird Sadness”

  • foseelovechild
    September 28, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    those are big feelings, I wish I could relate. I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.


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