Winter Color

Long about this time of year, I go seeking colors. Our gray skies and foggy mornings get old, after a while, and we don’t have any snow to brighten up the landscape. I’m not really complaining, though. I love living here in California. Here are some of winter’s colors I found in my yard or in my neighborhood.

Flowering Quince

This flowering quince is a harbinger of the spring to come. It’s coral blooms are inspiring me this year.

Neighbor's Redwoods

Redwoods have a comforting feel about them, I think. They seem to say, “Patience, Child. All will be well.”

Winter Berries

See the stars? I don’t know the name of these berries, but they’re found on a bush similar to photinia, only with leaves of a darker green. Holler if you know what it is.


This brave trumpet is a hummingbird attractor. It’s kind of limping along in my front yard, where the soil is none too good.

January Fringe Flower Blooms

I would absolutely call these fringe flower bushes one of the best landscaping buys I’ve ever made. They are powerhouse bloomers.

Heavenly Bamboo Berries

Heavenly bamboo. Showstoppers, plain and simple.

One Response to “Winter Color”

  • Laura
    January 31, 2011 at 11:40 pm

    Love the vibrant colours! I’m looking for how to follow your blog, because there is so much richness here, but can’t find a way to connect. Please let me know if you chose to open this option up.
    In gratitude


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