Working Work/Baby Strategy
I’ve hired a certain punk rock (she’d probably object to that description) teenager we all know and love to babysit Asher for a few hours on some weekdays. It’s working brilliantly. She holds and plays with the baby in the other room while I work. If he gets fussy or hungry, I reassure and feed him, and then go back to working. I don’t have to feel guilty about ignoring him while I’m concentrating on my projects, and I am not so far away as to worry about him. Asher has a good time with her in between his morning and noonish naps. (He seems to enjoy falling asleep in her arms.) This charming teen gets some spending dough. I think it’s win-win-win.
I’m really enjoying having her around because she’s cool. We haven’t had the chance to hang out together much over the last several years. Technically, we’re not “hanging out” now either, but it’s nice having this opportunity to see and talk with her a couple of times a week. I’m hopeful that she’ll keep coming over until she has to return to school in September.
August 2, 2007 at 11:38 am
Thats awesome:) Makes me remember my first job: babysitting. I loved it….and ya know, punk rock is the new black.